Pros and Cons of Vinyl Siding
Your home’s exterior is looking a little worse for wear nowadays. To be honest, it didn’t look its newest even when you moved in. You are finally inclined to contact a trusted professional and inquire about a siding installation.
When choosing the type of siding to go on your home, there are many factors. Since installing siding on your home comes at quite an investment, it’s best to learn about the different siding materials you can use.
Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of the United States’ most popular siding option: vinyl!
Vinyl Siding: Brief History
Vinyl siding showed its face to the world in the late 1950s as the primary substitute for aluminum siding. However, the first vinyl siding caught a bad reputation for cracking, sagging, and fading. After a couple of manufacturing changes, vinyl became one of the most used siding materials today.
Vinyl Siding: Pros
No Painting Needed
Almost every type of vinyl siding comes with a pre-finished coat of color. The color is homogenous throughout each piece of siding, meaning it can’t be ripped or scratched off.
Wide Variety of Color Options
Vinyl siding comes in dozens of color options and styles to choose from. You will be able to find a color and style that fits best with the rest of your property.
Inexpensive Installation
Vinyl siding is one of the most cost-effective styles of siding you can choose from.
Low Maintenance
Once you install vinyl siding, you won’t have to worry about maintenance all too much! Vinyl is straightforward to clean, as just spraying it down with a water hose should do the trick.
Vinyl Siding: Cons
Not As Environmentally Friendly
Unfortunately, vinyl siding is not great for the environment. The material used to make vinyl siding is composed of PVC (polyvinyl chloride), which gives off greenhouse gasses during manufacturing. Unless you find a brand of vinyl siding that’s made of recycled materials, there are more sustainable siding options.
Not as Long-Lasting as Some Siding Materials
A proper vinyl siding installation will last you around two decades, but that’s typically the maximum amount of time before a new installation. Vinyl siding is also susceptible to damage during severe weather.
Less Boost in Your Home’s Value
Since vinyl siding is the least expensive, it may not do any favors when it comes time to sell your home.
Call on Apple Exteriors for Vinyl Siding Installation
When you need trusted exterior work, like vinyl siding installation, roofing, or gutters, call on Apple Exteriors!
Schedule your free inspection or give us a call at 651-36-APPLE (651-362-7753) today!